Nature & Scenic Spots, Nature & Scenic Spots, Nature & Scenic SpotsIn October, the magical grass and kochia, which are full-colored and fluffy will fall from green to red and then to golden. Since the cosmos also looks in full swing at the same time, you can also enjoy the cosmos in full bloom with the bright red kochia in the back.more
Japan, 〒312-0012 Ibaraki, Hitachinaka, Mawatari, Onuma605−4Trip from your location
Kochia in National Hitachi Seaside Park
Public Transport
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(From TripAdvisor)![](/static/calendar.png)
Best Season
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
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Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
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Summer cypress blooms only between July and Oct, and becomes red in Sep and Oct, although the park is open all yearmore![](/static/chevronBottom.png)
additional stay 2Days$300
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