Beach Resorts, Diving, Beach Resorts, Diving, Beach Resorts, DivingDuring the Mola Mola season, the water temperature around the islands of Nusa Penida drop creating the perfect environment for the them to come up to shallower waters. Chances are higher than 80% to meet not only sunfish but manta rays and barracudas.more
Batukandik, Nusapenida, Denpasar City, Bali 80771, Indonesia (Dive Site : Manta Point)Trip from your location

Sunfish (Mora Mora) in Bali

Local Tour
(Best Way)
(From TripAdvisor)
Best Season
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
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Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
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You can encounter the sunfish between mid June - mid Nov. Especially high probability (60% - 90%) in Aug / Sepmore
additional stay 2Days$140

Nusa Penida

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