Nature & Scenic Spots, Nature & Scenic Spots, Nature & Scenic SpotsSvalbard Island is a world of -50℃ with its magnificent nature of glaciers and fjords. The polar bear population in the Svalbard archipelago and Barents Sea is around 3,000, which exceeds the human population.more
Isdammen 1,, Longyearbyen, Svalbard and Jan MayenTrip from your location

Polar Bear in Svalbard

Local Tour
(Best Way)
(From TripAdvisor)
Best Season
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
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Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
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Day trip snow mobiles between Feb - May (around 356€) , expedition cruises from Jun - Aug continues for 7 days (high observation rate but can be expensive more than €2900)more
additional stay 2Days$400


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