Nature & Scenic Spots, Nature & Scenic Spots, Nature & Scenic SpotsBerenty Reserve is a private wildlife reserve in Southern Madagascar. Owned privately by a French owner, it is home to six species of lemur, the south's largest colony of Madagascar fruit bats, and 103 bird species, 56 of whom breed in the reserve.more
Réserve de Berenty, Amboasary, MadagascarTrip from your location

Berenty Private Reserve

Local Tour
(Best Way)
(From TripAdvisor)
Best Season
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
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Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
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Sep and Oct are the favored months for observing baby lemurs, while Dec through Mar is the best time to see native reptiles.more
additional stay 2Days$140


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