UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site Nature & Scenic Spots, Nature & Scenic Spots, Nature & Scenic SpotsA hilly area that extends to the city of Brno and outskirts of the eastern part of the Czech Republic. The landscape of the raging grassland is called "green carpet" and is noted as an unknown unexplored part of the Czech Republic. Not only the green meadow, but also the golden meadow illuminated by the setting sun is beautiful.more
Czechia UhřiceTrip from your location


Rental Car
(Best Way)
(From TripAdvisor)
Best Season
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
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Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
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Only during May - Mid Aug you can see the green carpet like the ones you find in pictures, although you can tour all year round. (Crops are reaped from end of summer)more
additional stay 2Days$300


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